Angular vs AngularJs

 Angular and AngularJS are among the most popular JavaScript frameworks that are useful in Front-End Web Development. So before stepping into a discussion of what is the difference between Angular and Angular JS or a debate on Angularjs vs Angular, let’s understand their approach.


Nowadays, the AngularJS framework is trending because it has wide scope for developing remarkable SPA’s (Single-page-web-apps). In addition, AngularJS provides a structural platform that fundamentally expands the HTML DOM with additional features and helps in developing a responsive application to the user’s activity. The current version of AngularJS is 1.8.2


On the other hand, Angular versions are preferable as a robust front end-tool that supplies components. These components assist a developer in writing and re-write an easy-to-use, readable and maintainable code. The current version of Angular is 13.


AngularJS vs Angular: 8 Major Differences Between Angular and AngularJS




ArchitectureAngular.js works on MVC (Model-View-Controller) model.Angular uses components and directives.
LanguageAngularJS code is written using Javascript.Angular code is written using Microsoft TypeScript.


AngularJS code is Less mobile-friendly.Angular helps in building mobile support applications.
Expression syntax{{ }} expressions are useful in two way binding between view and model. Special methods such as ng-bind can also be used to do the same.( ) and [ ] attributes are used for two way binding between both view and model.
Dependency InjectionDependency injection system is not used in AngularJSA hierarchical dependency injection system is used in Angular.
RoutingAngularJS development team utilizes @routeProvider.when ( ), for both configuration and routing information.The Angular team utilizes @RouteConfiguration {(…)} to define routing information.
ManagementAngularJS project is difficult to manage with increasing the size of the source code.Angular code has a better structure, and it is easy to create and manage large Angular applications.


Angular JS latest version is 1.8.2

Latest version of Angular is 13.

Source: Webbybutter
