Educational App Development

 An educational app is software made to simplify the process of remote learning. It promotes e-learning practices and boosts self-learning.


Further, there is a wide range of applications that are useful for learners. From kids-learning to adult training programs, educational apps cover all of them. This implies that by using emerging technologies along with a learning management system you can provide feasible e-learning solutions.


How much does it cost to make an educational app?

In general, the approximate cost for education app development ranges from $25,000 to $50,000. However, the development cost relies on different factors.

Let’s study each factor briefly.


1. App Complexity


The complexity of the app or the app idea directly affects the development cost. This is mainly because of the difficulty of business logic. These logics include – the number of features, number of integrations, or in-app purchases.


The app idea difficulty also suggests that the educational application will require more research, planning, and advanced design.


Here is a simple breakdown of types of educational apps with their cost according to complexity:


Simple Education App: $25,500

Middle Education App: $50, 000

Complex Education App: $75,000


2. Development team


Whenever you form the team for your app development, the cost of the educational app is different. This means if you hire developers from the US then you will probably spend more money in comparison to hiring developers from a different country. For example, a developer in the US charges around $150 /hr, and one in India around $20.


3. Type of educational app


It is important to clarify the type of education app you will develop. You are probably wondering why.


In general, there are two types of Edu apps- one is for students and the other for teachers. These app categories further extend to different sub-categories. For instance, Kids (Youtube), Tutors (TutorMe), College student apps (eDX), language learning apps, teaching apps, and so on.


4. OS platform


This is a crucial factor of consideration. Based on the requirements, the development team will either use the Native approach or a Hybrid.

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