MySQL vs MongoDB

 A Database Management System (DBMS) is responsible for managing and retrieving all required information from well-organized fragments of data. MySQL and MongoDB are such databases and the most in-demand database services for web applications. Both allow you to extract data and make reports from a site or app, but they are designed differently.  MySQL is a legacy table-structured system, whereas MongoDB is a document-based system. In this article, we shall have an interesting battle of MySQL vs MongoDB, and see how both the DBMS differ.



MySQL vs  MongoDB: Introduction 






MySQL is a famous, free-to-use, and open-source Relational Database Management system (RDBMS) made by Oracle. As with other relational systems, MySQL stores data with the help of tables and rows executes referential integrity, and utilizes SQL i.e. structured query language for accessing the data. When users need to recover data from a MySQL database, they must make an SQL query that merges multiple tables together to make the view of the data they require. It makes optimum usage of SQL for querying and operating database systems.



Database schemas and data models must be defined early, and data must correspond to this schema to be stored in the database. This strict approach to storing data presents some degree of safety but trades this for flexibility. If a new type or format of data requires to be stored in the database, schema migration should occur, which can become complex and costly as the size of the database grows.






Similar to MySQL, MongoDB is also free to use and open source, regardless, its design principles vary from traditional relational systems. In general, it is styled as a non-relational system (NoSQL), MongoDB adopts an extremely different technique for storing data, conveying information as a series of JSON-like documents as opposed to the table and row structure of relational systems.



MongoDB documents include a series of key/value pairs of irregular types, including arrays and nested documents, however, the immediate difference is that the structure of the key/value pairs in a shared collection can vary from document to document. This more relaxed approach is feasible as documents are self-describing.




We have general information about MongoDB and MYSQL. Let’s kickstart the comparison using significant parameters.


Parameters  of  Comparison



Brief Intro



A non-relational database system giving improved flexibility and horizontal scalability



A strong relational database system, with a common database environment for skilled IT experts




Year Released 
















MongoDB Inc.












Follows a hierarchical data model and maintains data together, reducing the need for joins, optimized for write performance




Optimized for high-performance joins with numerous tables that are indexed, optimized for high performance across many tables




Managing Data




Large chunks of data are easy to manage




Difficult when large chunks of data are there




System Type




Non-relational or NoSQL system




Legacy system designed with SQL








Real-time analytics, content management systems, Legacy business sites, IoT, mobile apps, analytical sites, and much more




High-security sites, eCommerce sites, structured data with clear schema, social media sites, etc.




Data Representation




Shows data as JSON documents




Shows the data in tables and rows




Programming Languages Support 




C, C++




C, C++, JavaScript








Inbuilt replication, sharding, and auto elections




Master slave and master replication




Schema Definition




No need to define the schema, simply drop documents




Must define tables, and columns before storing




Query Language




JavaScript as a query language




SQL as a query language




JOIN Support




Does not support JOIN operations




Supports JOIN operations




Suitable For




Projects where there is structured or unstructured data for growth




Projects where there is structured data and for a traditional RDBMS








There is no schema definition necessary so there is minimal risk of attack




Higher risk of SQL injection attack




Foreign Key




Doesn’t allow the use of foreign keys




Allows usage of foreign keys








Is scaled horizontally and vertically




Only Scaled Vertically








Table, Row, Columns, Joins




Collection, Document, Field, Embedded Document




Community Support




Roughly. 213 repositories on GitHub




Around. 23 repositories on GitHub




Application Security




Uses a role-based access control (RBAC) for security




Has a privilege-based security model (PBSM)




User Friendliness




Attractive and Simple UI for developers




Managing Tables, schemas, normalization, etc is confusing at times








Has Nexus architecture which comes with more flexibility




Contains Client-server architecture with more storage




Distributed Architecture












Transaction Model




Follows the BASE model with more accessibility




Follows the ACID model with more consistency




Developer Productivity




The development cycle is fast and is a developer’s delight




Development in MySQL is slow as it has strict table structures




Integration Support




Integrates well with many storage engines and uses JSON language MongoDB query language




Uses SQL for database management supports programming languages but is less flexible




Query Language





Uses MongoDB Query Language (MQL)





Uses SQL like any other RDBMS





Associated Indexes




In case, the index is not found, the database engine looks for documents collection




Here, when the index is not found, the database engine looks for the whole table for the rows




Flexibility in Schema Design




Dynamic schema and design can be changed




Once defined, the schema design cannot be modified




Atomic Transactions




Multi-document transactions




Atomic transactions

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