
Showing posts from November, 2022

How to patent an app idea?

 In the era of  emerging technologies   businesses are starting to extend their reach using mobile apps. But, often entrepreneurs get stuck with the notion of protecting their mobile app idea. They worry about their unique app idea because it may fall into the wrong hands. So, if you are an enthusiastic entrepreneur and looking to explore the methods to patent your mobile app idea, then this blog is for you. What does patent a mobile app idea means? In simple words, a patent is a form of intellectual property law. In general, this law assists in ensuring that the plans or ideas of an entrepreneur receive full protection. The patent for any app idea ensures that the idea is not misused by another person. USPTO:  United States Patent and Trademark Office This patent office in the US provides citizens with patents. In addition, they give the assurance that no one will on the particular idea and claim it theirs.  The patent also helps entrepreneurs to make sure that their app is not being

How to Start a Web Design Business?

 Starting your own  UI UX Design Agency  is going to be a challenging task even if you are a well-known app designer or a successful UI UX freelancer. This is because you lack experience in running a start-up or business. The high demand for  web design agencies  doesn’t mean a guarantee of success for your  Web design Business .      The competition is supreme, but you don’t have to panic! To compete with the best web design agencies all you have to do is, follow this blog till the end and plan your agenda for a  UI UX design company . Checklist for Starting a UI UX design agency  Here are some important points for you to consider before you go all-in with your  web design business. Point #1 Conduct a Proper Market Research Point #2 Name Your Web Design and Development Agency Point #3 Web Design Services Description and Product Choice Point #4 Write down your Web Design Business Plan Point #5 Investment Point #6 Build a Team Point #7 Build your O nline Presence Point #8 Client Service

Top Programming Languages

 Since the inception of smartphones, the demand for  mobile applications  has been increasing exponentially and so is the mobile app programming languages. So, choosing the best mobile app development programming language is a challenging task for developers. Once you make the right choice for mobile programming language and build a business app, you step into the marketing stage. So, here is a list of the 9 best programming languages that come in handy while the  mobile app development process. ✤ JavaScript JavaScript is one of the best cross-platform app developments. It functions smoothly in other environments, outside of browsers, and can also be compiled using many programming languages. ✤ C++ C++ is vintage but an outstanding choice for mobile app development. It is an OOP language with generic and low-level manipulation features.   ✤ Kotlin   Kotlin is known as an advanced version of JAVA. Kotlin speeds up programming in app development and is useful in developing modern android

Angular 14: Features and Updates

  Angular  has been quite proactive in releasing different updates to its web app framework. The latest version i.e.  Angular 14  came back in June after the success of version 13. The version number of Angular is increased based on the level of change it includes in the release. Major release This release retains crucial features. Here, minimal developer assistance is anticipated during the update. While updating to a new major release, developers have to run scripts, refactor code, run additional tests and learn new APIs. Minor release The minor release has smaller features. This release is completely supported and backward-compatible. No developer assistance is there during this update. However, there is an option to modify the app and library to begin using new APIs and features added in the update. Patch Release This release is basically a bug-fix release. It is low risk and no developer assistance is there during the update. The versioning of Angular includes all 3 parts. For ins

Restaurant App Development

Nowadays, the majority of businesses are adapting to the onset of the digital revolution. The Restaurant business is no different. The Restaurant industry is accepting the new era of digitization and with the help of  emerging technologies  transforming their businesses for customer satisfaction. The common yet trending use case for Restaurants is to create a Restaurant App. Reasons for developing a Restaurant App The food industry is opting for Restaurant app development for the following reasons.   ✤ Brand Awareness (Visibility)   The restaurant mobile ordering app comes with better prospects for a restaurant’s visibility. This helps a Restaurant business boost its brand.   Further, by having a restaurant online ordering app the marketing sales, customer engagement and overall brand presence of the restaurant improves. In order to achieve such visibility via mobile apps, restaurants use push notifications (for retargeting), waiting time gamification (customer engagement), geo-tagging

What is Redux?

  What is Redux? Redux is a predictable state container made for helping developers write JavaScript apps that maintain consistency across client, server, and native components and are easy in testing.     In general, it’s useful as a state management tool with react, you can use it with any other JavaScript framework or library. It’s lightweight at 2KB which also includes dependencies. Thus, you don’t have to think about making your apps’ asset size big.     With Redux, the state of the application is kept in a store and each component can access any given state that it requires from this store.     Why use Redux?     Normally, an app consists of its state and that state is a combination of states of its internal components. Let us consider an example of an e-commerce website. An e-commerce website will incorporate various components such as a user profile, cart component, previous section and etc.     For instance, consider the cart component, it displays the number of items in a use

Educational App Development

  An educational app is software made to simplify the process of remote learning. It promotes e-learning practices and boosts self-learning.   Further, there is a wide range of applications that are useful for learners. From kids-learning to adult training programs, educational apps cover all of them. This implies that by using  emerging technologies  along with a learning management system you can provide feasible e-learning solutions.   How much does it cost to make an educational app? In general, the approximate cost for education app development ranges from $25,000 to $50,000. However, the development cost relies on different factors. Let’s study each factor briefly.   1. App Complexity   The complexity of the app or the app idea directly affects the development cost. This is mainly because of the difficulty of business logic. These logics include – the number of features, number of integrations, or in-app purchases.   The app idea difficulty also suggests that the educational appl

NFT Marketplace Explained

  In general, an NFT Marketplace is a trading platform for Different Digital Artwork. On an NFT Marketplace, you can easily hold and trade  NFT Tokens .   In addition, you can also buy or auction these tokens. However, to make transactions and hold your NFT tokens you must have a crypto wallet. The wallet will allow you to smoothly access different marketplaces.   Further, it facilitates its users to not only trade but also create them. How does an NFT Marketplace Works? As mentioned earlier, to access any marketplace you will require a digital wallet. You can use it for  creating NFTs  and selling them. Once you sign up for your wallet you need to follow a few steps: Step 1:  Create an NFT and define all suitable parameters Step 2:  List your NFTs for sale and wait for the completion of moderation Step 3:  Let buyers put their bids when you put up an auction Step 4:  Once the auction is complete, the marketplace will transfer the cryptocurrencies.  What makes an NFT popular and which

MVP Minimum Viable Product Definition

An MVP or Minimum Viable Product is the maiden version of the Product. This version is the first one that only consists of basic features. In general, these basic features determine whether the product has prospects of succeeding. These features are enough to deliver core values and verify them to early customers. In short, the main idea behind a Minimum Viable product is to provide a perfect balance between the minimum and viable. This basically saves time and development costs. In addition, it also assists in acquiring valuable customer feedback. Eric Ries, entrepreneur and author of the book “The Lean Startup”, gave a straightforward definition for MVP. As per Ries, an MVP is a version of a new product that permits a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. However, it’s important to understand that goal of an MVP strategy is not to build a product for a short-term period. To clarify, it merely helps you develop a simplified

Loan management System

  What exactly is a loan management system? A loan management system is a platform that assists lenders in automating the entire loan handling process. In addition, the software can assist with processing customer information; creating new loans, and much more.   Besides, this type of software comes with various tools and technology stacks. This helps in simplifying the process of consumer lending. The loan management system software also induces reports with proper analytics and provides useful insights concerning the loan process and customers. Also Read,  What is FinTech? Let’s glide into the features and factors to consider while building a loan management system.   Essential Features of a Loan Management System Normally, a Lending system is built for scalability. This means, that you can begin with a simple functionality of AI-powered KYC and build your software from there to a full-functioning loan management system.   ✤ Loan Origination   Loan origination is simply a process whe

Angular vs AngularJs

  Angular and AngularJS  are among the most popular JavaScript frameworks that are useful in Front-End Web Development. So before stepping into a discussion of what is the difference between Angular and Angular JS or a debate on Angularjs vs Angular, let’s understand their approach.   Nowadays, the AngularJS framework is trending because it has wide scope for developing remarkable SPA’s (Single-page-web-apps). In addition, AngularJS provides a structural platform that fundamentally expands the  HTML DOM  with additional features and helps in developing a responsive application to the user’s activity. The current version of AngularJS is 1.8.2   On the other hand, Angular versions are preferable as a robust front end-tool that supplies components. These components assist a developer in writing and re-write an easy-to-use, readable and maintainable code. The current version of Angular is 13.   AngularJS vs Angular: 8 Major Differences Between Angular and AngularJS Features AngularJS Angul

Serverless vs Microservices: What are they?

  What is Serverless? Serverless is where a third-party cloud provider takes care of the server. To clarify, an organization does not have to worry about investing in or maintaining physical hardware. Rather, they depend on a third party for maintenance of physical infrastructure; this includes servers, networks, storage, etc.   The serverless approach allows your organization or business to build applications without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.   Serverless includes two different aspects:   ✤ Function as a Service (Faas)   Generally in Function as a service, developers run code modules i.e. functions of an application without worrying about the backend infrastructure or system requirements.   ✤ Back-end as a Service (Baas)   In general, Baas is offered as a service where the entire backend of the system that is- database, storage, etc. of a system is managed independently. This usually involves outsourcing backend services to a third party for maintenance and manag

MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack

  Angular vs React   debate is at the core of the   MEAN   vs   MERN   Stack debate. While Angular has been enjoying its big share of success, React seems to be catching up and leading the charts now. This indicates that the MERN stack is enjoying higher popularity at this moment due to its association with React.   Here is a detailed comparison between the MEAN vs MERN stack:   Difference Between MEAN and MERN Stack: MEAN vs MERN Point of Comparison MEAN MERN Type JavaScript Framework JavaScript Library Language TypeScript JavaScript, JSX Architecture Upgrading & managing the code Smooth UI rendering DOM Regular Virtual Learning Curve Medium Low Data Flow Bidirectional Unidirectional Productivity Better Low Security High Medium Scalability Medium High Features Moderate High

Software Developer vs Software Engineer

  Comparison of Software Developer vs Software Engineer based on Job Requirements Comparison on the basis of Job Requirements/Specifications will highlight some Key Differences in the Software Developer vs Software Engineer Comparison. Requirements to Become a Software Developer Bachelor’s degree in the field of Computer science or Technology field A proper grasp of mathematical concepts like linear algebra, differential equations, calculus, and so on. Capacity to code in more than one programming language Have basic knowledge of cloud systems and different mobile ecosystems Requirements to Become a Software engineer  Bachelor’s degree in software engineering or computer science Thorough understanding of the architectures of different software programs Know the distinction between Front-End and Back-End Capacity to operate with professional Software Developers What does a normal day look like in their lives? ✤A Typical Day for a Software Developer   In general, software developers are